Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Le paté chinoise

So, as a kid, my grandmother and nanny used to make this shepherd's pie type thing with mashed potatoes, corn, and beef... All neatly stacked, baked, and served...

I have never heard any of my usual friends have this dish, unless their family was chinese...

And lo and behold, I'm in Sherbrooke, Quebec, and my host, Pascal, says, "Geoff, we're having le paté chinoise tonight!" And, it's exactly the same!!! According to him, the dish was brought to Quebec by the railway workers, and according to a recent poll in Quebec, was one of the most common family dishes...

Interesting... I will make this when I get back! :P

1 comment:

  1. You make a kickass food blog and then tell me to work out more??? P.S. make me some food please
