Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mammary Cubes

For another pathology assignment, we had to dice up a piece of tissue, and show it change over time. So I decided to look at breast tissue (cuz my pathology piece is going to be about breast cancer). I did quite enjoy playing around with the layout!

In Figure 1, we see from left to right, breast tissue at rest, breast tissue during pregnancy, and breast tissue post partum. I think one of the problems here is that the cubes don't really... appear to be of the same cut... particularly the second and last ones since there is such a drastic change in the histology.

Figure 1.

Figure 2 is just a close up of the first and second cubes. In the first one, I'm trying to show that the glands are inactive or empty, thus they have dark shadows. There's also plenty of connective tissue. During pregnancy though, a serous secretion is produced by the glands... I sorta attempted to show that the acini are full of transparent liquid... As for the third cube (Figure 1), the secretion is full of lipids and causes the lumen of the glands to expand. There's not much connective tissue...

Figure 2.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Pumpkin pies

So... I made 4 of these for this past Thanksgiving...

The crust on the left shrunk... D:

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Back to graphite! Start from the darkest shadow, then build. These were all 15 minutes I think...

Chairs throw me off...

Friday, October 9, 2009

Good morning ovary

This is another study and assignment for my pathological illustration course. When I conceptualized this, I had in mind a colour palette that included pale lemony yellows, oranges and blues. So sorta like a morning light.

I think it'd be cool to turn this into some sort of watercolour or acrylic painting... without the call-out boxes that is...

Concept rendered by graphite :D

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Metaphyseal plate

This was a quick sketch done for a histology assignment. It's an interpretation of a histological slide of the metaphyseal plate in bones. Basically, these are the cells that make bone grow!

I'm think this would be a cool wash...?

Concept rendered by pencil.


More lifedrawing! Yay!

Due to popular demand, I have moved onto conté... at least for the latter half of the drawing session...


Just the shadows.

See below O:

Working from the forms of shadows

Friday, October 2, 2009


So it's been several years since I've been to a real lifedrawing session... Finally, went after a friend and I planned and failed at going multiple times over the past year. Here are some of the better-ish ones rendered in pencil (short = 1-5 minutes; medium = 10-25 minutes... I dun remember which ones where which...):








